The History Of Milano’s Wig Band Line

The biggest game changer for wig wearers is undeniably Milano’s WiGrip comfort band, the first wig band of its kind. Previously prior to Milano inventing the WiGrip, in order to make sure a wig fit securely wig wearers needed to secure their wig with clips, combs, glues or adhesives. All these methods provided discomfort and damage to one’s natural scalp. Clips and combs pulled out ones hair and created bald areas over time. Glues and adhesives caused irritations and sensitivities as well as put a lot of wear and tear on the wig cap. Wig caps whether mesh, nylon or other materials did not provide enough security needed.
Milano Collection understood these challenges and was determined to find a solution. Milano is proud to be the creator of the Original Wigrip Comfort Band. They continued to create many innovative products to address the needs for wig wearing consumers. They now offer a selection of wig bands that provide a better wig wearing experience.
A soft uniquely designed wig band made of a blend of velour fabric that is used under any wig to keep it secure and comfortable without the use of clips, combs, glues and adhesives. This wig band is adjustable in size and is available in three colors: black, brown and tan.
A soft uniquely designed band made of a blend of velour fabric and swiss lace that is used under any lace wig to keep it secure and comfortable without the use of clips, combs, glues and adhesives. The lace sewn in the front and part allow a seamless transition and eliminates any visible harsh lines you may see when wearing a wig band under a lace wig. This wig band is adjustable in size and is available in two colors: chocolate brown and nude.
A patent-pending wig cap made of a blend of velour fabric and bamboo cotton that is used under any wig to keep it secure and comfortable without the use of clips, combs, glues or adhesives. The bamboo cotton cap relieves irritation and pressure a wig may cause. The wig cap also allows unruly hair or very short hair to be contained under the wig. The blend of velour at the edges provides the secure fit. The GripCap wig cap is adjustable and available in two colors-brown and tan.
A wig band made of Swiss Lace, Virgin European hair and a blend of velour fabric to create a natural front hairline on any wig while keeping your wig secure without the use of clips, combs, glues and adhesives. The lace with hair sewn on creates a natural front to any wig and is best used for wigs that require a more natural front.
A wig band with a Swiss Lace edge, baby hairs, and a blend of velour fabric to help protect your edges and provide a baby hair effect while keeping your wig secure without the use of clips, combs, glues and adhesives. The short baby hairs on the lace edge create a natural front and can be styled, thinned or texturized as needed.
All these items in the Wig Band line by Milano are incredibly useful and helpful for consumers. They create a better wig wearing experience and each one has a unique value to consumers. Wearing a wig is a personal journey and each wig wearer has specific needs that only they can know. It is important for each wig wearer to identify and address their needs and determine the perfect solution from the Wig Band line by Milano.