Carry Your Crowning Glory With A Queen’s Confidence

In the U.S. alone, an estimated 30 million women experience hair loss. Thinning hair and/or visible hair loss can be a result of alopecia, or a variety of other medical conditions, cancer treatments, stress, covid, genetics just to name a few factors causing these challenges. Regardless of the reason, for many, hair loss can be emotionally damaging and can result in loss of confidence and self esteem, as well as triggering feelings of depression and anxiety.
Not only does it affect those experiencing hair loss, it can also affect those around you. A perfect example of that is the infamous 2022 Oscars incident concerning Will Smith, his wife Jada and comedian Chris Rock. While what happened was unfortunate, it perfectly illustrates different perspectives on how alopecia can affect people psychologically. Undeniably, hair loss can trigger ridicule, or perceived ridicule, that not only affects the sufferer but also those closest to them.
Societal standards of beauty relating to hair
In many cultures, women consider their hair to be their crowning glory. The more flawless and stylish your hair is, the more attractive and confident you look and feel. “Healthy hair” is typically associated with a perception of good looks, charm, beauty, class and power. Moreover, hair can make a statement, both in terms of cultural origin and social affiliation. For example, monks typically shave their heads, and ultra orthodox Jewish men wear traditional sidelocks, while many rock and rollers wear their hair dark, long and unkempt as a symbol of their anti-establishment stance. The impact of hair in how one is viewed is especially noticeable in the celebrity world.
For example, in 2007 a troubled Britney Spears shaved her head, as did Demi Lovato in 2014 and again in 2021. In both cases, they gained quite a bit of notoriety in doing so. Conversely, in movies and tv shows (think the flowing locks Farrah Fawcett made famous in the popular 1970’s tv series Charlie’s Angels), hair and especially long flowing hair is a sign of beauty and status. Fixing your hair for the day is an important ritual in getting ready to face “society”. So, what happens if you start losing your hair and can no longer achieve societal standards of beauty? As stated in an article about the psychology of hair loss, the expression “bad hair day” is a testimony to the psychological importance of hair and hair loss can turn every day into a bad hair day.

How Hair loss can affect one’s well being
While hair restorative treatments do exist, not all are successful, and even those that are, do not provide instant results. So what should one do to address the challenges of hair loss - both the physical aspects and the mental ones?
First, recognize that you’re not alone. As mentioned earlier, hair loss affects millions of women for a variety of reasons, and there are solutions.
Celebrities like Kiera Knightly, Jada Smith, Viola Davis, and Lea Michele, just to name a few, have publicly acknowledged their hair loss, and some of them in fact have wore or continue to wear wigs to cover their thinning or balding hair.
There are many social media and websites created specifically for people to talk about and share their hair challenges, amongst like-minded individuals. Examples of this include The Hair Loss Group (8.4k members) and the Vegamour Female Hair Loss & Wellness Community (6.1 members) on Facebook, blogs from social media personalities like Lady Alopecia and medical site communities that are focused on hair loss and alopecia such as that of Smart Patients. Talking it out and learning how other people cope with their hair loss struggles proves to promote wellness among sufferers and support from friends and families.
How hair care can improve your self-worth
Hair treatments combined with some expert help from psychologists for those who suffer self-confidence issues can do a lot of good. According to the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) women struggling with alopecia experience the same impact on the quality of their lives as those who suffer from psoriasis - a disease that produces itchy and scaly patches all over your body. Seeking professional help can improve a woman’s quality of life in terms of how they feel during their daily activities and leisure time after a year of treatment.
General practitioners may refer serious cases to clinical psychology or psychiatric services as there aren't many who specialize in issues related to alopecia. This is partly because the patients’ symptoms are considered common and do not require advanced treatment strategies or drug medication.
At the moment, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has only approved one medicine for women with androgenetic alopecia called Minoxidil– a topical drug that claims to stimulate hair follicles.This is why most ladies who struggle with hair loss usually turn to wigs to solve their confidence problems.

Milano’s wide assortment of premium wigs offer personalized solutions and help medical insurance bearers purchase the right wigs or sheitels they need to cover their thinning hair or receding hairline instantly. Whether virgin or processed hair, long or short wigs, or whatever exact color your real hair is, our Wig Specialists can restore your natural look.
Another reason why most women who suffer hair loss instantly turn to wig solutions is because of the comfort, and security they give. That is if they find the right fit. Milano’s wig collection offers a variety of wig accessories that addresses these concerns including open-wefted, closed-wefted, hand-tied, freedom, silicone, or polyurethane cap enhancements.
Learn more about Milano collection and find the right wig that can boost your self-confidence instantly!
Book a free virtual consultation with one of our Wig Specialists now to learn how we can help you process your wig purchases via your hair insurance policy.